Tag Archives: fager

Extending My Job Search

Switched On

American Urbex needs your help.

The bulk of American Urbex articles and their associated geographic locations is concentrated in the Wisconsin/Illinois area. This is attributed to the fact that my home is in this area of the country. One of the practical dilemmas of covering urbex locations in this area is that their numbers are a finite quantity. Traveling to locations outside of this area requires funding, some of which has been graciously offset by donors to American Urbex. In order for American Urbex to continue, I must find employment that provides enough funding for me to continue sharing my adventures and research with you.

Like many recent college graduates, I have struggled to find gainful employment during the extended downturn the American economy has been suffering from. When I first started looking for a full-time job post graduation in 2009, I focused on the meager German and Speech Communications K-12 teaching positions available in Wisconsin. As bills started to pile up it wasn’t long before I took a job working as a Technical Support Analyst for UW-Whitewater. The move to IT was not something I anticipated, but have been fortunate enough to have technical skills that I developed on my own. Although my current position is one that I take great pleasure from, it falls short of accomplishing two basic work requirements that I have. Those goals namely are providing a source of income to achieve my personal goals and develop a fulfilling long-term career.

Given my current situation, I have been extremely grateful to have the time to develop the American Urbex website.  Working 30 hours a week and having extended down-time periods between software installations allows me the time to write, research, and edit media for American Urbex. I have come to realize that this labor of love is a great demonstration of marketable job skills. This site is a key indicator of my core competencies: a desire to create, a passion for education, and an inherent desire to connect with others. Right now, I am merely looking for a way to get my foot in the door at an employer who needs someone with my skills.

After two years of searching local job websites, Monster, and other employment bulletins without positive results, I must consider a change in tactics. That is why I am posting my resume here on American Urbex. If you or your employer are looking for someone who is comfortable with technology, flexible in learning new skills, and is enthusiastic about connecting with new people please consider my qualifications. I am willing to relocate if the position is a means to accomplish my goals.


Download Ken Fager’s Resume (PDF)

Ken Fager’s LinkedIn Profile


Ken Fager
American Urbex