On the Horizon for American Urbex

The American Urbex Podcast will take a brief hiatus during the month of July. Don’t worry, it’ll be back come August. There are three legitimate reasons why this break is necessary.

1. Marriage

You may not know my significant other, but they are perhaps American Urbex’s most ardent supporter. We’re getting married this week.

2. Master’s

I am putting the finishing touches on my master’s thesis. This is a very labor intensive process that will demand my attention until the end of the month.

3. Moving

I will be moving to the eastern portion of the United States at the end of July. I am looking forward to getting a chance explore new locations. The real thrill is going to be meeting new urbex photographers.

You may recall that American Urbex was able to raise funds earlier this year. Those funds are going to be put to use in August. If you are an urban explorer in the American southeast and wish to explore, by all means email americanurbex@gmail.com. Let’s meet up.

Thank you for your ongoing support,
Ken Fager
American Urbex